Saturday, October 27, 2007

And here we go...

Ok so i figure at some point i should post something on our family blog. I read tonya's and it pretty much summed things up, but i guess there are a few particulars that i could talk about. I am having a pretty stressful semester due to a lot of unknowns with my next year or so of school. I'm planning on transferring schools to the UofU and to do so i have a few pre-requisites to finish up as well as my AA in general studies so that i wont have to deal with generals wherever i end up. So for the last month and a half I've been running all over campus trying to find the one person that could "ok" my being here during the winter semester (because I'm on a summer/fall semester track). Anyway, it turns out that i finally found that man (he is the chair of a review board that deals especially with appeals such as mine) and with his signature and two others that i am hoping will think that i have a case as well, I should be able to stay in the winter and get all the classes that i need for a  possible transfer. So thats what's been on my plate this semester, its a little stressful but at least everything else is going really well with no complains. Its still nice and warm outside here, the grass is green and there are still a few leaves on the trees. I'm just trying to figure out what Melanie and I should be for Halloween. Any suggestions?

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