Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mel and I went to the Haunted Mill the other night, it was raining and cold hence our jackets. 
Also, can we not put pictures on this site? It would be cool if we could get a little family album or something.


So I just talked to the administration guy again and he told me that my semester override went through on monday and he hadn't called me yet. So I get to stay in the Winter! Thats good news, and thats all.

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I got really depressed yesterday when I left studying at the library to see people all over in their costumes going to weekend haloween parties. Our first exam is on Haloween, so I don't get to participate, it's tortuous! Anyway, Brandon, you could use my costume idea if you want, I was going to go as a slutty male nurse...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Oh yeah.

Also, I teach mission prep class and its awesome. My little freshman think i know all there is to know about missionary work. 

And here we go...

Ok so i figure at some point i should post something on our family blog. I read tonya's and it pretty much summed things up, but i guess there are a few particulars that i could talk about. I am having a pretty stressful semester due to a lot of unknowns with my next year or so of school. I'm planning on transferring schools to the UofU and to do so i have a few pre-requisites to finish up as well as my AA in general studies so that i wont have to deal with generals wherever i end up. So for the last month and a half I've been running all over campus trying to find the one person that could "ok" my being here during the winter semester (because I'm on a summer/fall semester track). Anyway, it turns out that i finally found that man (he is the chair of a review board that deals especially with appeals such as mine) and with his signature and two others that i am hoping will think that i have a case as well, I should be able to stay in the winter and get all the classes that i need for a  possible transfer. So thats what's been on my plate this semester, its a little stressful but at least everything else is going really well with no complains. Its still nice and warm outside here, the grass is green and there are still a few leaves on the trees. I'm just trying to figure out what Melanie and I should be for Halloween. Any suggestions?

Friday, October 19, 2007

Daily Recipes

Recently I'd been feeling a need to add some variety to my recipe book. So I went to the Better Homes and Gardens website,, and signed up to receive daily recipes in my e-mail. Its been really fun so far, and I've gotten lots of really great recipes from them! Just thought I would share that with you all, so if any of you are feeling a need for new recipes, this is an easy way to do it.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

tonya's message

Hey hey family I gotta admit I'm still not sure how this whole thing works, and how all our blogs connect to each other and all that...BUT I'm continuing on in faith that it'll all work out in the end. Sigh. A quick note on life as me: Oh that we all could live in Rexburg, Idaho! I know, I know it's so much more glamorous than Virginia/D.C. and San Diego but don't be too jealous, it's a sin. It's chilling down, it's snowed a couple times but hasn't stuck so all is well. For those of you who might not know (such as grandparents should they read this) I am Relief Society President in my student ward here, so along with that, classes, and hours spent on the phone each day with Adam, I'm a pretty busy lady! All the above is going well however, and I get to go home in 10 days for Dave and Jackie's wedding, to see the fam-diggity, and of course Adam so I'm counting down to that right now. Life is as usual, can't say there's too too much excitement. My classes are mostly all pretty great. I officially love my major and am tickled pink that I've finally found something I really enjoy and can actually say I like going to class every day and doing my work for them--for the most part, they're not all a joy, don't get me wrong. I have discovered a new passion for reading (mostly children's literature at the moment of course) and usually put off all else so I can do so. My roommates and I get along alright. Although they're not my usual crowd, we do get along and sometimes have fun within the apartment. My friends have all ditched me on account of boyfriends/girlfriends/they all live on the other side of campus...SOO my cell phone is literally my life-line to all humanity and sanction outside this blessed state. That's my life in a nutshell, I miss you all, and I hope we can all keep track of this thing and keep it updated!
Love, Ton

Monday, October 15, 2007

Tonya is here!

Hey family my blogs can be found at:

Ch-ch-check it out!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Other blogs...

Mine and Ryan's blog, which we just started today, is located at

My family started a blog a couple of weeks ago and its been a lot of fun so far! Its such a great way to keep up with what everyone is doing so I'm really hoping everyone will get involved. This should be fun!!!!!!

The Beginning

Let this be the first of many posts for this blog! I hope we will have at least one weekly post from each member of the family (i.e. updates, pictures, etc.)...let the games begin!