Monday, November 17, 2008


This is my short but long story i wrote for my friend dylan in physics cuz i saw him doing his physics in showtime and i wrote this in 4th period so its not as long as i wanted so here it is!!!

Physics! a word that seems so simple but as hopeful and pressured teenagers, teenagers like Dylan Tweed discover they have a dreaded thing called HOMEWORK thier strong and joyous hearts slowly wither down to a thing called an abyss. the patience of these fatal studentsmust be strong! as the class comes to a close the teacher grabs the marker and heads towards the board a sad sight for all the students the sign of homework. as the dark red marker stains the board like blood the sad students loose hope she writes p. 121 #s 1-40!! The freedom gets torn away! As the high-pitched ringing echoes throughout the room the students in unicen jump and fly out of the room like a hoard of vampire bats chasing after a bucket of a negative blood. As they breath the fresh californian air they are given a small sense of warmth. The students hoard together like the african wild ata watering hole and create a butal dialogue toward the homework and class in general. In the end they realized that nothing was going to happen so they stopped. As the school ends and the students head towards there cars they are givena pride and sudden happiness of they get ready to go to the happiest and most familiar place a plce called home. they throw themselves into their metal deathtraps and moving. purring it rumbles and starts moving forward it starts moving faster and faster suddenly the car is soaring. the driver-dylan-sticks his head out to feel the wind brush his face like its a convass. he gets an overwhelming sensation of joy. He wishes he could just be on the road for all eternity. Bang! just then it his happiness is pulled away so fast he almost passes out. His face turned pale white whiter than the satrs in the sky or harry potter. He realized that the sooner he got home the sooner he had to do his physics homework. He gets home and paces back and forth back and forth waiting for the moment till he had to start his homework. he paces all day and even to the night. Next thing he realized he was awakened by his alarm. Ohh noooo my homework he wates nervously for 2 peroids and realizes he can get his homework from corey. Hey.....corey....uhhh...i left my homework at home could i copy your......sure here. HAHAHAHA! success he turns in his homework and gets a c-. oh well triumph the wate is lifted!!!!!! well sorry about the spelling and thats all.


RyGuy said...

I've never been more proud of you. Have you thought about being a writer?

brandiniboy said...

My favorite part was that it was "whiter than the sky, or Harry Potter". Totally random and awesome! Keep 'em coming my man.

The Todds said...

I'm gonna be honest and say that I didn't actually read the whole thing because I was intimidated by its longness (says the girl who reads 500 page novels for fun) but I would have to agree with Ryan about the whole writer thing-you have a talent for words my friend.

Tollestrup Family said...

I want to announce that noni and papa have a blog! They don't know this yet but I wanted to tell everyone, post things, pix etc. This way Noni can log onto one place and stay updated on our oh so exciting lives!