Monday, November 26, 2007

Airhead party of 1

So i'd forgotten how to post a blog, that's why it's been so long since i have. My bad. Back to school for 3 more looong weeks and then finally home for the holidays (and new mexico for a few days to meet adams family). Thanksgiving was a lot of fun, being with lots of family, relaxing, doing some fun stuff, and of course being with adam. I shouldn't have too too much to do to finish off the semester, one of my classes will kick my toosh but the rest'll be a cinch i think. I'm really excited for christmas, people are putting up lights around here and it's freezing which isn't so great usually but sure puts me in the christmas mood! For some reason the whole uploading pictures thing wouldn't work, so for pictures check out my facebook-there's a couple of sarah and randall's new baby too! Love to all!

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